Normandy - Allied Commanders

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When commanders and leaders of the Allied Forces first touched the ground in Normandy, coming in by gliders,  parachuted in the dark or hitting the beaches on D-Day, the faith of Europe soley depended on the ability of those men to reach their objectives and then carry out their individual assignments succesfully. Their odds were far from in favor and they would confront a well equipped, experienced and top-trained opponent.  In contradiction to the enemy opponent they possessed a  great advantage: OB West, the German supreme commander in the west, the German army group and division commanders would have to obtain Hitler's permission, when reorganizing defensive positions of the Atlantic Wall or tactical redeployment of units became urgent. General Eisenhower, the supreme commander of the Allied Forces, had no 'need for permission' when the Allied invasion fleet set out for the Calvados coast in Normandy, in the early hours of June 6. It was his decision, and his alone, to launch the biggest invasion in history - or to prospone it if neccessary. And just like their suppreme commander, any commanding officer of the Allied Expeditionary Forces would have to make his decisions, based on his own common sense, his intuition and his ability to act.

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